
Showing posts from 2021

Tory Doublethink

A few days ago Dr Jenny Harries, head of the UK Health Security Agency, made the modest observation in a  radio interview that if people wanted to reduce their chance of catching or spreading covid they should reduce their socialising over the next few months.  To me that was simply obvious, sound advice.  She wasn't imploring people to do it.  She wan't ranting at people to do it.  She was simply saying: if you want outcome X, then behaviour Y will help lead to that. Somehow a few of the Tory "Don't tell me what to do, don't you know who I am" brigade seemed to think that this was a step on the road to a totalitarian nanny state.  Daring to give people advice - how dare she?  This baying pack of Tory backbenchers want people to do whatever they want unimpeded by information.  No doubt Dr Jenny Harries in her medical training had come across 'informed consent', whereas the "sign here, never mind the small print" Tory shysters prefer people to